Ultimate Figma Thumbnail Kit

Organize your Figma library with the Ulimate Thumbnail Kit

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Ultimate Figma Thumbnail Kit - A Free Figma Community Download

Organize your Figma library with the perfect thumbnail for every project. I researched how companies like Stripe and Spotify use Figma thumbnails to organize their team libraries and used that as inspiration for this thumbnail kit. I designed them to fit the standard Figma thumbnail size of 1600 x 960 pixels, but with a defined safe area to make sure your thumbnails look great no matter how they are viewed in your team library.

Ultimate Figma Thumbnail Kit includes:

  • Stop seeing titles and designs cut off by using the pre-defined safe area. Now you know your thumbnail will look great in every size
  • Track the status of each project over time with thumbnail labels. (Design, Review, & Develop included)
  • Team member avatar component so you can easily see who owns what files on larger teams
  • A Title and Description field are Auto layouts enabled so they flow freely so you can skip formatting every thumbnail
  • Pro Tip: Add everything you commonly use into this file and duplicate it to have a consistent starting point for every project

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